Learn the advanced techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

From blue belt to purple belt

After learning our fundamentals, it is time to dive deeper into the sport. In these classes you will learn modern high percentage techniques and systems from all the advanced positions (top and bottom).

You need to be at least a white belt with three stripes before you can attend our intermediate classes. The positions and technique chains require a solid foundation not just to execute them, but also to give the correct reaction to your partner during drilling.

Advanced Classes

Structured curriculum with 4 week blocks
High quality technique videos
6 advanced classes per week
40 minutes of sparring per class
Gym access during opening hours

How the classes are structured

In these classes we do deep dives into topics over 4 weeks. They usually start with a warm up drill, followed by 30 minutes of technique and then we end the class with a lot of positional and free sparring rounds.

We have two different curriculums for gi and nogi, covering everything you need to know to do well in both sports. The curriculum is structured in a way that even if you only attend one timeslot, you will see every class of a block once.

On Saturday we have a competition class which is also great for more advanced students.

Advanced class times

Tuesday12:00-13:00Gi (All Levels)
Thursday12:00-13:00Nogi (All Levels)

Of course you can also attend all the fundamentals classes.

Go to our schedule page to see all our classes.